NOW within the depths of ourselves in feelings and thoughts, constantly throughout these quarantine days, we raise this prayer, request, outcry to the Single Force of Creation;​
The Educator of humanity.
The Greatest Conspirator.
The integral uniqueness that loves all and connects and activates everything and everyone, good and bad.
Nature will not resist mans basic needs, but will no longer allow us to take more than we already have. It has taken us to be in lockdown in order to see the clearing of sky's from pollution, sea animals come closer......
I want to be a gentle observer. The observer of self, from within; to what I do and how I react. To Observe how I am controlled by my conditioning and uncontrolled judgments.
Which channel have you been on all this time?
From the infinite sides of the cosmos to our planet, runs a thread of energy that governs all. Us, we humans are all included, discovering our universal inter-connectedness.....